Gladys does a very good job of finding the young and impressionable and doing with them what is best for them- some are ushered off as sacrifices, some are handed off to mentors that follow her own proclivities, and others still do find the right kind of home. She makes sure that suffering is sown, though it is unknown what (if any) dark forces she serves beyond her own pleasures.
Dr. Braun's experiments have been concerning enough that he has had to move his facilities elsewhere. Real progress does not happen when one is constrained by antiquated ethical concerns.
Judith is a giant ball of wyld and chaos. She's just as willing to bomb a place as she is to make out with a security guard. She generally doesn't seem keen on hurting people, but she will cause a right and proper disaster for the lulz.
Natalie Craig is possessed by a wraith, and has essentially been driven out of her body. Julianne, the wraith, is fascinated by the kind of power that Natalie has, but has yet to figure out how to get the host body's avatar to cooperate. Once Julianne does that, she will have no reason to keep Natalie around. Natalie, for her part, has yet to find anyone who is willing to listen to her. Julianne has done a very good job of keeping her away from those who may be able to help.
Evelyn Murray killed both of her children with Justin's help and converted their avatars into the force that fuels their node. She also turned the city's former leaders in to the Technocracy and let a Flambeau take the fall.
Evan Reese doesn't care. She doesn't care in the concepts of good or evil, she only cares about renewal and cutting away stagnation and dead weight. Let the weak be culled, let the strong survive. Let nature sort it out.
She has been in the forests for years, and where she goes death follows. Burned trees, blighted earth, dead animals, and the lingering effects of balefire. When approached, those who have seen her say she seemed mournful. She howls at the moon; when it is full, something howls back
Justin Yates tried to sacrifice his twin soul and former girlfriend in a ritual to build a new node. Beyond that, he keeps people from caring too much about what Evelyn is doing to keep her power. Why he does this isn't clear to anyone but Mr. Yates himself.